Friday 27 April 2012

This video was made in just 11 days, as application for a Disney internship work placement. My schedule involved getting up at midday, working until 6am, then rinse and repeat. The work got me an interview, but alas it was not to be. Fun cartoon based on the likes of Monkey Island 3 and so on. It would have taken too long to make the fully working game so this is what a play through of it would have looked like.

Below is all the art used to create the project. If you look closely you can see a very hipster looking caterpillar/ butterfly that got cut from the final production because of time constraints.

Character Sheet 1

Character Sheet 2

 Character Sprites

Castle Garden


Tweedle Prison

Tweedle House


For yet even more information about this project that nearly killed myself and my friend. Watch the below video which I submitted to Disney along with my application. It pretty much covers everything you ever wanted to know about this project and things you never cared about.


Everything here created by Mike Lawrence, and Reese Mills